Rosie, Chinese student studying in Paris
How old are you?
The best age!
What are you studying?
Business analysis and management consulting.
What kind of child were you?
Independent, talented, fantastic…
What did your school teachers think of you?
How would I know?
For how long have you been living in Paris?
Just over 2 years.
What do you think of the city of Paris?
I find it irresistible!
What are your favorite places to visit in Paris?
Riverside, the Marais, and Bel Air.
What are you up to at the moment?
I am busy writing my rapport de stage (a recap of my internship) and at night, during the week, I either go to the gym or out with my friends. On the weekend, I go to exhibitions (thanks to Paris☺) and I travel sometimes.
What are your short term goals?
Finding a full-time job in an international consulting firm and organizing a terrific themed tour of China for French travel groups.
What does the word “freedom” mean to you?
Freedom is knowing what we want and being able to get it.
Do you feel free?
Yes, but I think I could feel even freer.
Does music have an important role in your life?
Music is as important as sex in the morning, the Parisian metro, coffee breaks at work, sunsets along the river, alcohol on a night out and a hug before going to sleep.
What do you think of internet and social media?
They’re helpful but are now making it easier to control people’s lives. At least we can’t virtually enjoy a drink with friends yet!
What do you think of all these websites for finding love?
For me, it’s a way to meet new people just as any other way. But it does break some social barriers.
What do you remember of the first time you ever lived alone?
I moved to Minneapolis, the capital of Minnesota (a Great Lakes state) with a beautiful view and friendly neighbors when I was 19 years old. I was so excited and motivated to discover and enjoy this new life. And it wasn’t nearly as cold as I had feared it might be!
What do you remember of your first pay check?
I bought my parents a gift.
What do you remember of the first time you fell in love?
We both felt it but didn’t say it to each other. Everything felt like soda.
What, in your opinion, is the secret to lasting love?
It’s too bad that I haven’t had that experience yet so I cannot answer the question. But from what I have seen with my parents and in my friends who have had long-term relationships, I think it is about understanding the other person and giving them as much of your love as possible.
Who is Rosie, today?
Someone who has been living in Paris for over 2 years now and speaks poor French!
How do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
Hmm, I’d rather not think about that! I hope to be able to make choices for myself, but also to be able to speak French fluently (laughs).